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Now more than ever, we recognize the value of touch. Though the pandemic is officially over, I continue to keep these practices in place for the safety and benefit of all my clients and family:


Prior to your appointment​

  • Please cancel if you have any symptoms and alert me if you have been in close contact with anyone who has tested positive or has symptoms. (Review Covid-19 Symptoms on the Forms page or here)


During your appointment

  • You are no longer required to wear a face mask, it is your choice whether you do or not. I will continue to wear a mask as I have close family members who are immune compromised. 


I continue to monitor my own symptoms and will cancel should any symptoms appear. Currently, I am fully vaccinated. (Moderna). I sanitize the room (with CDC approved, natural ingredients, Benefect Decon 30) and change all sheets and blankets between each client. I wash my hands frequently. Each room has separate ventilation. In my room I have a high quality air filter from IQair which filters to .003 microns, as well as a second filter. All sheets and pillows are enclosed in a cabinet and all extras have been removed from my room so I can easily clean. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and patience. 


Buddhas from Wat Pho Temple, Thailand

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